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Mission 4: Avalanche Rescue

Here's a video ;-)

  1. Talk to G and ask him to let you in the Gadget Room
  2. Go in the Gadget Room
  3. Turn to your right, until you see life preserver shooter on the shelf (Next to the Boom Box on the Table)
  4. Put the Shooter in your inventory and go to Lighthouse Beacon
  5. Open your Spy Phone and take out your wrench. Take it out of your inventory and click on the brown telescope (in front of you) with the wrench
  6. Put the telesope in your inventory and go to the Sports Shop
  7. Turn to your left/right and find a door that writes 'Gary's Room' Go there!
  8. Turn to your right and you will see two windows. Select the window on your right and fix the portable telescope on the stand
  9. When it is fixed, click on it to veiw.
  10. You will see a maze. I would suggest you to note the directions (1st turn: 2nd turn:)
  11. After you have noted, head to Ski Village
  12. You will see a brown penguin crying. Tell him you will help
  13. Go to the Sports shop. Turn to you left/right until you see a brown closet. Next it will stand a penguin model. Click on its belt and put it in your inventory
  14. Go back to Ski Village and click on the lift. Slide in the belt
  15. The brown penguin will be jumping up and down. Next to him is a tuft of fur. Pick it up and put it in your inventory
  16. Go to the Lighthouse, go to your left. You will see a red boat. Click on the rope and put it in your inventory
  17. Go to Ski Lodge and you find a 'Gone Fishing' sign on the door. Click on the fishing rod and put it in your inventory
  18. Combine the Fishing rod and Rope with the Shooter in one slot in your inventory
  19. Now got to Ski Mountain
  20. You will see a sign 'Penguin Run' Click on it to head down the mountain
  21. Open your inventory and take out the Shooter. Carry it along the way (by clicking with it for the directions too)
  22. Click on the path (right, left, middle) that you have noted on your paper for the directions
  23. After the maze, you will find yourself in front of a broken fence. Click there
  24. You will see penguins. Go to your right and you will spot branches. Click on it to break it
  25. 1stly, click on the penguin on the branch. Then click on the penguin on your right (the two penguins will be now holding each other on the life preserver. Now drop one penguin on the branch in the middle. One more penguin will be still holding the preserver. Click at the side of the branch so the penguin could reach the other lower penguin. Drop both of them on your right, a land with a rock there. Pick up the penguin on the branch and drop him with the other penguins
  26. Soon, the boulder will fall down. Pick up the three penguins and click below to save the lowest penguin
  27. You will return to the Mountain and G will talk to you.
  28. Give him the white tuft of fur in your inventory
  29. End the mission by collecting your medals!

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