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Mission 9: Operation: Spy and Seek

Here's a video ;-)


1.) Talk to G in Gadget Room (Where you are)
2.) Pick up the blue poster next to a hammer, the yellow duck and the three blinking lights.
3.) Open your map and head to Mine Shack.
4.) Click on the Orange Penguin on the roof. Talk to him and tell him you want to help.
5.) On your right, click on the wood.
6.) Arrange the wood to let the metal turn right up.
7.) Right after you are done, Rory (the Orange Penguin) will talk to you again. Tell him you will help him again.
8.) Double click the cart.
9.) Cover up every crack!
10.) Now take one of the three identical items in your inventory and place it on the cart.
11.) Click on your map and head to The Forest. Click on a twig on the floor.
12.) Attach it to the poster in your inventory.
13.) Click on your map and head to Ski Lodge
14.) Talk to the purple penguin (playing Find Four)
15.) Find the Find Four pieces around Ski Lodge (including the Attic)
16.) When you in the Attic spot a string beside the mat. Pick it up and put it in your inventory.
17.) After collecting all the Find Four pieces, hand them over to the purple penguin.
18.) Click on your map and head to Ski Mountain.
19.) Click on the kite and attach it to one of the blinking lights in your inventory.
20.) Click on it and click on the pole.
21.) Go to The Dock.
22.) Click on the Green Penguin next to the boat.
23.) Click and drag the brown.
24.) Take the pump and put it in your inventory.
25.) Go to Plaza and click on one of the penguins.
26.) Help them by pulling the gum off. (Click on the gum)
27.) Ask if you can have it and stick it on your yellow duck.
28.) Use the pump and pump the duck.
29.) Head to Ice Berg.
30.) Attach the blinking light and the duck together.
31.) Click and release it at the sea.
32.) Go to HQ. Talk to G.
33.) Head to Ski Lodge and click on the Gone Fishing sign
34.) Click on teh binoculous in your inventory and click on the far empty space.
35.) You will see Herbert dancing with Klutzy.
36.) Click on the spy phone Herbert left.
37.) Attach it to the Bino
38.) Go to your far left and fix it on the tree.
39.) Go to HQ and watch a vid.
40.) You will now finish your mission! Get your medals!


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